Feb 1, 2010

Over thinking

The problem with having new ideas is executing them. Sometimes you hear stories about people who have achieved success (which is an extremely relative word) with just a simple idea. So I sometimes think - "An idea is all that matters". Every now and then, I do get some ideas. But none of those ideas ever materialize as the work required to build it in concrete is a lot. By the time you are done building the foundation for one idea, you have the second one coming up. That's what over thinking does.

The second one is always more enticing than the first one. The first one begins to seem old. The idea fades and the foundation remains an abandoned area of naked steel rods and stray bricks. The first idea gets ditched and the second idea gets the treat from a hungry brain.

However, the third idea is always better than the second... In life you always end up leaving a trail of dead, unfulfilled ideas. Its a bit of a sad sight. Almost nostalgic.